Dear Friends 1 May
I attended the freshmam orientation of my college for four days.
I became a class teacher for the freshman.
The day before yesterday, I was enjoying the teatime with students.
One of the students came up to me.
He took out his mobile phone from his pocket saying "Teacher! Please watch this."
I peered into the screen of the mobile phone.
He let me watch one movie.
I could see a house.
Tsynami came, getting higher and removed the house.
"This is my house! teacher and my father lost his new auto car.".
He told me with smile on his face.
Because the apartment which he were living from this April was affected by tsunami, he had to find the another one.
I asked the another student where he lives.
He replyed as "I live in Tsurugaoka Izumi-ku Sendai".
I said "Oh! I live in Tsurugaoka too".
He told me that his house had a big damage.
The part of the base was brokened and he feels his house inclined a little.
I checked the base of my house after I came back to home.
I got an email from one of my first students in Miyako yesterday.
I wrote about him in the report From Sendai13.
You can read it below.
Because he lost his liquor shop by tsunami,I sent a computer and six boxes of goods.
He wrote the next message with one image took by his mobile phone.
"I reopened my shop. Thanks a lot. Did you have a contact from Mr.Arihara of Miyako social welfare council? Sorry I send an email later, as a customer came."
Lutheran church offered some help to Miyako social welfare council.
You can see an autotruck shop on the the vacant lot of his removed shop from the attached photo.
I was very pleased to see it.
If possible, I would be one of his customers.
People are doing their best against various difficulties.
Continue to pray to God for them.
You can read the all articles of From Sendai from below webstite.
Shinji Nagashima