
120202Bryan-z Report ブライアンレポート

A few days ago I went on a car ride to see the results of the tsunami.
It was quite shocking.
All around there were destroyed houses, random cars and boats flipped by the massive wave, as well a few houses that seemed to fine until a closer inspection revealed that it had been gutted. Standing at some of the inlets, you could look up and see the line where the water rose to, as well as all the damage it had done up to that point. The tsunami did so much damage.
When we return, Pastor Itoh asked me how I felt. I said small. There is so much damage and so much work needs to be done, how could I, an unskilled visitor staying for only a short period, help anyone?
Then I got a chance to help. Even though it is only small, I feel like it did in fact help. Maybe after this is all done, I'll have have left my admittedly small mark
